January 28, 2024

“Experiencing our Beliefs”

Thank you all who attended our retreat on belief systems and expectations last Wednesday and for the many good conversations that we had as a group and individually.  Lots of food for thought, meditation and integration. It was delightful to see the Josephine House packed and hopefully we came away with a deeper expectation that as people evolving in wholeness and personal growth we can make a powerful impact in the world. The personal interaction that I had with many of you gave me ideas for our next retreat which will be in April 2024.  Some of you asked for the name of the book that I referred to during the retreat.  Here it is:

Beliefs, by Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith,

Crown House Publishing Limited,  2012.  

Saturday Bridge Building  

This Saturday 1/27 I will be leaving a little later than usual and will be going directly to the Clock Tower.  Come join us at 1:00 pm for our time of distributing lox and socks and bagels. Thank you all for the abundance of clothes and winter gear that has been donated for this Saturday’s distribution.  We had so much that we gave over 10 bags of clothing to Bread and Roses and the St. Francis Kitchen. The sisters at Villa Maria donated many blankets and sleeping bags which are particularly needed. Villa Maria is upgrading their bedding and linens for their guests. Stillpoint was the beneficiary of that upgrade. We also received some jackets and shoes which are especially appreciated during the winter months.

Stillpoint does not have a stockpile of clothing, socks or bedding. We need your donations. If you have any of these items and would like to donate them, please do so. Stillpoint and the unhoused community are grateful for all donations. If you would like to support us financially in our bridge-building ministry contact us at Stillpoint: or (831)419-8290 or

Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina and  Guided Meditation

Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina meets as always this Tuesday 01/30 at 8 am. At 8pm we will also meet for a time of guided meditation that many find helpful with Insomnia, and issues of health and stress. I think you will find that we are as effective, if not more so, than the much advertised meditation apps.  Attached is the Zoom link:

In the beauty of God’s love,
